Friday 29 January 2010

Assessment 2 Film Analysis

The opening scene of  a horror film I chose to analyse was saw V.



Many techniques were used in this opening scene to make it effective for the viewer. For instance and establishing shot is used introducing a character, the victim. Using a high shot and seeing the man struggling, it makes the viewer feel powerful and almost as if they are taking part in hurting the man. In the dark setting the camera then pans showing the victim in full. Allowing the viewer to see the situation in which this man is actually in, letting them begin to understand why he was struggling. However, during the scene low angles are used to show the victims perspective of the going on’s. Thus allowing the audience to understand the feelings had been felt by the victim.


Low key lighting is used throughout the scene, creating the a dark, tense and hostile atmosphere. Also a mask, which is very common in horror films, is shown on a tele. Creating fright in the audience as it is concealing a killer the mask. Another point is the man is half naked showing tattoos, and we feel sorry for this man as he is being tortured however the tattoos are usually associated with rebels. In addition as the camera pans we see boarded up windows showing cracks of light. This could be perceived as perhaps a metaphor of the mans situation. He is trapped inside and the lights represent slim chances of hope. Blood and gore is also shown which is also common in horror films. This is shown in the opening sequence to show what the audience are in for in the rest of the film.



The choking of the victim shows distress and discomfort. This is felt by the audience likewise as we begin to see the situation in which the victim had been placed. We hear the non-synchronous sound of thunder, which creates a tense ambience. Low strings are heard beneath the voice over of the killer. This is heard throughout the scene and slowly turns into a heartbeat and the sound of a clock as the man attempts to escape. With each tick of the clock and beat of the heart the audience realise that the man is just seconds from death. The voice over of the murderer is basically explaining the distressing scene to the audience, as it is a confusing setting. We see the mans hands get crushed and hear the synchronous sound of bones crunching. We think the man is saved however we see in the next shot he is not as we can still hear the steady swinging of the saws on a pendulum.


Shot reverse shots are used in the sequence such as when the killer on the television is talking to the victim we see him talk and then see his victims reaction to what is been said. As well as jump shots which show the pendulum with the saws on, coming down, then to the clock , then to the man. This makes the scene increase in tensity.

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